Thursday, May 30, 2024

Best Picture of 1983

Without question, this has been the quickest year of review in this blog's recent history. It took six weeks from first review to verdict, which may not sound that impressive until you consider that the last time I completed a review year in less time was just over nine years ago!

The nominees for Best Picture of 1983 are:
  • The Big Chill
  • The Dresser
  • The Right Stuff
  • Tender Mercies
  • Terms of Endearment
As I watched the five films in contention for 1983's big prize, there were two common themes that became apparent. First, from a genre perspective, each picture could easily be classified as a character  (or characters) study. They all drill down deep into what makes people tick, and with the possible exception of The Right Stuff, relationships are at the forefront of that exploration. Second, none of these films shy away from taking their time to tell their stories. Each movie embraces a leisurely pace at some point - or in some cases, at many points - during their runtimes.

One might expect with such similarities that choosing a favourite among them would prove difficult. However, despite their connections, they remain sufficiently distinguishable, so let's get to the task at hand. First to be set aside is The Dresser, which is somewhat surprising, I suppose. As an actor myself, I certainly have an affinity for films about the theatre, but this one was ironically a tad too theatrical for my liking. Next to go is Tender Mercies, despite its wonderful Oscar-winning lead performance. I'll also lose The Right Stuff while noting how captivated I was by its epic yet personal story.

The Academy selected Terms of Endearment as its pick of the year, a worthy choice that is difficult to argue against. With the trifecta of superb acting, writing and directing, it's a classic tearjerker, deserving of its iconic status. But in my opinion - and that's what this whole blog is about, after all - The Big Chill pulls at just a few more heartstrings to tip it over the edge. A brilliant ensemble working off a charming and touching script. Consequently, The Big Chill will officially be named my favourite Best Picture nominee from 1983.
Best Picture of 1983
Academy's choice:

Terms of Endearment

Matt's choice:

The Big Chill

Your choice:

Let me know your pick of this bunch in the poll above. Next up, we move to a year in which I've previously seen only one of the contenders, and since these films are all arguably cinema classics, I'll be glad to fill in those gaps in my classic film watch history.

And the nominees for Best Picture of 1958 are:
  • Auntie Mame
  • Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
  • The Defiant Ones
  • Gigi
  • Separate Tables
Stay tuned...

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